Friday, April 27, 2012

Goodbye Waco... Hello Austin

This move has been in the works for a long time.  Shortly after we got married, we knew that Waco would not be the place where we would settle.  Unfortunately, we were stuck until we completed our renovation of 1212.  After years of constant house projects, months of job searching, and many tears of frustration and disappointment... it finally happened.  I'm sure that someday I'll look back and it will all become clear as to why it took so much longer than expected.  For now I am just relieved and thankful.

Four weeks ago, Patrick was offered a job with Holtzman Partners, a local accounting firm, and the next day we accepted an offer on our house. Praise God for His timing.

Two weeks ago, Patrick finished up his job in Waco and we began the search for a place in Austin.  We came down on Tuesday, found our rent house on Wednesday, and went back on Thursday to begin packing.  It was a fast and furious 48 hours.  I'm so thankful to my parents and some good friends for helping us and making that possible.  On Saturday, we drove our Uhaul to Austin and unloaded in our very cute, but tiny, new home. 

We have been here for a week now,  and are loving it.  We really feel like this next year is going to be a season of rest and fun.  We look forward to reconnecting with old friends, and making new ones.  We are also looking forward to all that this city has to offer, and discovering it together.

Goodbye 1212, onto 1213...